BOOKS ARE MY BAG Last week, the Mainstreet Hare had a makeover... The book selling world has gone ORANGE! Saturday the 14th of September saw the launch of a very exciting new campaign, kicking off with a Big Bookshop Party in celebration of bookshops everywhere! The first 50 people through our doors got a BOOKS ARE MY BAG tote bag and a free publishers proof, plus our team was of course on hand to offer advice and booky recommendations! There was a fair amount of cake involved too...

BOOKSARE MY BAG gallery - Clockwise L-R: Phillippa and our BAMB window, Scottish rugby legend Chris Patterson and Vivian's son Mully, MSP John Lamont shows his support, Vivian's frosted ginger cake, Super cool team of bikers en route to Lands End, A very orange table of goodies, lovely author Barbara Mellor, Bill's Late Summer Salad.